UCB und Ariceum Therapeutics unterzeichnen strategische Forschungskooperation zur Entdeckung neuer Modalitäten für die Behandlung von Immunerkrankungen und Krebs

  • Die Expertise von UCB in der Entdeckung makrozyklischer Peptide unter Verwendung seiner mRNA-Display Plattform ExtremeDiversity™ wird Ariceum bei der Entdeckung von Therapien für solide Tumore unterstützen
  • Das Fachwissen von Ariceum im Bereich der Radiopharmazeutika und der Markierungstechnik wird UCB bei der Entwicklung von Therapien für Immunerkrankungen unterstützen
  • Potenzial zur Erweiterung der Ariceum-Pipeline mit drei neuen Programmen in der Discovery-Phase

BERLIN und BRÜSSEL, 11. Mai 2023 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), ein privates Biotech-Unternehmen, das radiopharmazeutische Produkte für die Diagnose und Behandlung bestimmter schwer behandelbarer Krebsarten entwickelt, und UCB (EURONEXT BRUSSELS: UCB), ein weltweit tätiges biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, gaben heute eine exklusive, strategische Forschungskooperation zur Identifizierung und Entwicklung neuartiger systemischer, zielgerichteter Radiopharmazeutika für die Behandlung solider Tumore und Immunerkrankungen bekannt.

Im Rahmen der Forschungskooperation werden UCB und Ariceum die firmeneigenen Technologieplattformen des jeweils anderen Unternehmens nutzen, um die Entdeckung von Peptid-Radioisotop-Konjugaten als potenzielle Therapeutika für Immunerkrankungen und Krebs zu ermöglichen. Ariceum erhält außerdem Zugang zum Know-how von UCB bei der Entdeckung neuartiger synthetischer makrozyklischer Peptide mit Hilfe seiner mRNA-Display-Technologieplattform ExtremeDiversity™. UCB wird vom Fachwissen von Ariceum auf dem Gebiet der Radiochemie und der Markierungstechnik profitieren, um zu erforschen, wie diese Technologie zur Entdeckung hochdifferenzierter Produkte für Immunerkrankungen führen könnte. Beide Unternehmen werden die Möglichkeit haben, im Rahmen dieser Forschungskooperation mehrere Zielstrukturen zu untersuchen.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Geschäftsführer von Ariceum Therapeutics, sagte: „Wir freuen uns über diese strategische Zusammenarbeit zwischen UCB und Ariceum, die darauf abzielt, die Pipeline von Ariceum mit mehreren neuen Programmen im Forschungsstadium zu erweitern.  Durch diese Partnerschaft erhält Ariceum Zugang zu einer einzigartigen Bibliothek, die für das Screening von Zielmolekülen in der Onkologie genutzt werden kann, bei denen die derzeitigen zielgerichteten Ansätze versagt haben, während wir gleichzeitig mit UCB daran arbeiten, zielgerichtete systemische Strahlentherapien in anderen Bereichen schwerer Erkrankungen zu ermöglichen.”

Dhaval Patel, Chief Scientific Officer von UCB, kommentierte: „Die Zusammenarbeit mit Ariceum stärkt unsere strategischen Fähigkeiten in der Arzneimittelforschung und bietet UCB die Möglichkeit, das Potenzial dieser Modalität im Rahmen unseres Strebens nach kontinuierlicher Innovation zu erforschen. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Wissenschaftlern von Ariceum und möchten die Technologieplattformen und das Know-how über Krankheiten beider Unternehmen nutzen.”


Hinweise an die Redaktion

Informationen zu Ariceum Therapeutics

Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum) ist ein privates radiopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, das sich auf die Diagnose und Präzisionsbehandlung bestimmter neuroendokriner und anderer aggressiver, schwer behandelbarer Krebsarten konzentriert. Der Name Ariceum ist ein Anagramm von „Marie Curie”, deren Entdeckung von Radium und Polonium einen großen Beitrag zur Erforschung von Krebsbehandlungen geleistet hat.

Ariceums führendes zielgerichtetes systemisches radiopharmazeutisches Produkt, 177Lu-Satoreotid-Tetraxetan („Satoreotid”), ist ein Antagonist des Somatostatin-Typ-2 (SST-2)-Rezeptors, der bei neuroendokrinen Tumoren (NETs) und einigen aggressiven Krebsarten wie dem kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (SCLC) überexprimiert wird. Jede dieser Krebsarten bietet nur wenige Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und hat eine schlechte Prognose. Satoreotid wird als „theranostisches” Paar für die kombinierte Diagnose und gezielte Radionuklidbehandlung dieser Tumore entwickelt.

Ariceum Therapeutics wurde 2021 gegründet und hat alle Rechte von Ipsen erworben. Ipsen bleibt Anteilseigner des Unternehmens. Ariceum hat seinen Hauptsitz in Berlin und unterhält Niederlassungen in Deutschland, Australien und der Schweiz. Das Unternehmen ist derzeit in ganz Europa, Nordamerika und Australien tätig.

Ariceum wird von einem sehr erfahrenen Managementteam geleitet und von spezialisierten Investoren wie EQT Life Sciences (früher LSP), HealthCap, Pureos Bioventures, Andera Partners und Earlybird Venture Capital unterstützt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf www.ariceum-therapeutics.com

Informationen zu UCB

UCB, Brüssel, Belgien, (www.ucb.com) ist ein weltweit tätiges biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, das sich auf die Entdeckung und Entwicklung innovativer Arzneimittel und Lösungen konzentriert, um das Leben von Menschen mit schweren Erkrankungen des Immunsystems oder des zentralen Nervensystems zu verbessern. Mit rund 8700 Mitarbeitern in etwa 40 Ländern erzielte das Unternehmen im Jahr 2022 einen Umsatz von 5,5 Milliarden Euro. UCB ist an der Euronext Brussels notiert (Symbol: UCB).

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
E-Mail: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Hollie Vile, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt, Elena Bates
Tel.: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
E-Mail: ariceum@optimumcomms.com

R&D Communications – Scott Fleming
Tel.: +44 (0) 7702777378
E-Mail: Scott.fleming@ucb.com

Corporate Communications, Media Relations – Laurent Schots
Tel.: +32 25599264
E-Mail: Laurent.schots@ucb.com

Investor Relations – Antje Witte
Tel.: +32 25599414
E-Mail: antje.witte@ucb.com

Ariceum Therapeutics Announces Extension of Series A Financing to EUR 47.75M to Advance its Next Generation Radiopharmaceutical Clinical Pipeline

  • New investors, Andera Partners and Earlybird Venture Capital, join existing investor, Pureos Bioventures raising an additional EUR 22.75 million
  • Funds will be used to advance clinical pipeline and further build Ariceum Therapeutics
  • Olivier Litzka from Andera Partners and Christoph Massner from Earlybird Venture Capital to join the Ariceum non-executive Board of Directors 

Berlin, Germany, 18 April 2023 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and treatment of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announces the successful completion of a Series A extension financing, raising a further EUR 22.75 million, following the EUR 25 million Series A financing announced in June 2022. The financing was co-led by new investors Andera Partners and Earlybird Venture Capital, with participation from existing investor Pureos Bioventures, now doubling its original investment in the Company.  As part of the investment, Olivier Litzka, Partner at Andera Partners, and Christoph Massner, Principal at Earlybird, will join the Ariceum Board of Directors.

Ariceum intends to use the proceeds from the financing to advance its clinical pipeline and to further build the Company focusing on its lead asset and proprietary peptide derivative, Satoreotide, as well as building a pipeline of further projects.

Satoreotide is a radiopharmaceutical drug and an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SST2) receptor which is overexpressed in many cancers, including certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers with poor prognoses such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Ariceum aims to use satoreotide as a ‘theranostic’ for both the diagnosis and treatment of tumours expressing the SST2 receptor. Satoreotide is in early clinical development and, as of today, has been administered to more than 100 patients including more than 150 therapeutic administrations in different indications.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “As we continue to make promising progress at Ariceum, the new funds will allow us to advance our clinical pipeline of diagnosis, monitoring and precision treatments to improve the lives of those facing very challenging cancers. The additional investment is a strong endorsement of our targeted radiotherapy product and reflects the opportunity that radiopharmaceutical drugs offer in visualizing and treating cancer. We are very pleased to welcome both Andera Partners and Earlybird Venture Capital to our investment syndicate and would like to thank our existing investors for their continued support.”

Olivier Litzka, PhD, Partner of Andera Partners, remarked: “At Andera we have been following the radiopharmaceuticals space for some time, looking for an opportunity to support a compelling project. As a result, we are now very happy to be able to back the talented and experienced team of Ariceum with a first clinical project centered around a meaningful disease application in Small Cell Lung Cancer. It is great to support the company in its bold ambition to build a pipeline of radiopharma projects through deals and partnerships. We are also joining an already powerful board of experts and strong European VCs. Altogether, we believe these are solid grounds to build a leading biotech company in the radiopharmaceuticals field.”

Christoph Massner, PhD, Principal of Earlybird Venture Capital, commented: “We are delighted to support Ariceum as it advances its proprietary clinical programs to address aggressive cancers with a poor prognosis. Earlybird is especially excited about Ariceum’s ability to stratify patients for treatment via its theranostics approach. This will provide the best possible patient outcomes and attractive health economics. I look forward to working with Ariceum’s experienced management team and strong investor base as it enters its next development stage.”


For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Hollie Vile, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt, Elena Bates
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com


Notes to Editors

About Ariceum Therapeutics

Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum) is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer. Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical product, 177Lu-satoreotide tetraxetan (“satoreotide”) is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SST2) receptor which is overexpressed in neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and some aggressive cancers such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC), all of which have few treatment options and poor prognosis. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic’ pair for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours.

Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquiring all rights from Ipsen. Ipsen remains a shareholder in the Company. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany, Australia and Switzerland and activities currently across Europe, North America and Australia.

Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap, Pureos Bioventures, Andera Partners and Earlybird Venture Capital. For further information, please visit www.ariceum-therapeutics.com

About Andera Partners

Created over 20 years ago, Andera Partners is a major player in private company investments in France and internationally. Its teams manage over €3.8 billion in investments in life sciences (Andera Life Sciences), growth and buyout capital (Andera MidCap, Andera Expansion, Andera Croissance, Andera Co-Invest), sponsorless transactions (Andera Acto) and ecological transition (Andera Infra).

Based in Paris, with offices in Antwerp, Milan, and Munich, Andera Partners is wholly owned by its teams, which count nearly 100 professionals, of which 60 are investment professionals. It is structured as a partnership and managed by a board of 12 partners. Responsible and committed, the management company regularly forms partnerships with non-profit sector entities and takes concrete action in the fight against global warming.

Andera’s 15-person life sciences team brings together extensive experience in the life sciences industry, private equity and venture capital. Active since 2000, the team has raised over €1.1 billion through its BioDiscovery family of funds and is currently investing from its new BioDiscovery 6 fund. Since inception, the BioDiscovery funds have invested in more than 75 European and U.S. biotech and medtech companies. Further information: www.anderapartners.com.

About Earlybird Venture Capital

Earlybird Venture Capital focuses on European technology companies. Founded in 1997, Earlybird identifies and backs exceptional early-stage companies on a pan-European basis and supports them through their growth and development phases – providing financial resources, strategic support, plus access to an international network and capital markets. Earlybird invests out of a family of independently-managed funds. Flagship funds with early-stage focus include Digital West (Western Europe), Digital East (Emerging Europe), and Health. Newer funds Earlybird-X (pre-seed in Western Europe & university spinoffs) and Growth Opportunities (a pan-Earlybird growth fund) offer even more agility. With EUR 2 billion under management across all fund streams, 9 IPOs, and 31 trade sales, Earlybird is one of Europe’s most established and active venture capital firms. More information on www.earlybird.com, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Ariceum Therapeutics Appoints Radioligand Expert, Germo Gericke, M.D., as Chief Medical Officer

  • Dr. Gericke brings extensive experience in the research and development of radioligand therapies
  • Appointment coincides with launch of Ariceum International AG in Basel, Switzerland

Berlin, Germany, 1 February 2023 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, is pleased to announce the appointment of Germo Gericke, M.D., as Chief Medical Officer.

Germo joins Ariceum from Novartis, where he has recently served as Chief Medical Officer and Global Head of Research and Development at Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), a Novartis company specializing in the field of nuclear medicine. Germo will be based at Ariceum’s newly opened subsidiary in Basel, Switzerland. Basel offers one of the largest talent pools in Europe for the development and commercialization of innovative pharmaceuticals.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “I am delighted to welcome Germo to the Ariceum leadership team at a pivotal time of Company growth and clinical development. Germo brings with him a wealth of experience in the field of radiopharmaceutical therapy and it is a testament to the potential of Ariceum’s theranostic portfolio that someone of Germo’s calibre has chosen to join our team. Germo will build and lead the clinical development and operations team out of our new subsidiary in Basel.”

Germo Gericke, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, commented: “I am excited to join Ariceum with its focus on systemic targeted radiotherapy. Ariceum is actively working to develop innovative medicines for the diagnosis, monitoring, and precision treatment of certain aggressive neuroendocrine cancers, such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC). These cancers have few treatment options and poor prognoses, and so I look forward to contributing to Ariceum’s mission to improve the lives of those facing these very challenging diseases.”

Germo joins Ariceum from Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), a Novartis company developing targeted radioligand therapies and precision imaging radioligands for oncology indications. As a member of the Executive Leadership Team, he held positions of Chief Medical Officer and Head of Research and Development building a global R&D organization for Radioligand Therapies. Prior to AAA, Germo served as Franchise Global Program Head in Oncology Development and in strategic, commercial and general management roles with increasing responsibility across a range of therapeutic and geographic areas, having joined Novartis in 2001 from McKinsey & Company. Germo studied medicine at Charité University Hospital in Berlin and holds an MD from the University of Heidelberg.


For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Hollie Vile, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt, Elena Bates
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com

Notes to Editors

About Ariceum Therapeutics
Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum) is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer. Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical product, 177Lu-satoreotide tetraxetan (“satoreotide”) is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SST2) receptor which is overexpressed in neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), some aggressive cancers such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and the childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, all of which have few treatment options and poor prognoses. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic’ pair for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours.

Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquired all rights from Ipsen. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany and Switzerland and activities currently across Europe, North America and Australia.

Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap and Pureos Bioventures. For further information, please visit www.ariceum-therapeutics.com

Ariceum Therapeutics and AmbioPharm Enter Strategic Manufacturing and Supply Partnership

  •  AmbioPharm to provide cGMP peptide synthesis and support for clinical radiopharmaceutical manufacturing

BERLIN, Germany and NORTH AUGUSTA, S.C., USA, 27th October  2022 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing  radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, and AmbioPharm, a global peptide contract development and manufacturing organization, today announce that they have entered into a strategic partnership for the manufacture and supply of peptide conjugates to be used by Ariceum in future clinical studies.

AmbioPharm is supporting Ariceum with cGMP manufacturing and supply of peptide conjugates that will be radio-labelled as the radiopharmaceutical end-product used in upcoming clinical trials.  Radio-labelled receptor-binding peptides are an important class of radiopharmaceuticals for targeted tumor diagnosis and therapy and will be used in clinical trials of Ariceum’s lead radiopharmaceutical product, satoreotide, for the treatment of neuroendocrine cancers and certain other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers, currently in Phase I/II. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic’ pair for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours.

As a peptide contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) providing cGMP peptide APIs with capabilities ranging from research to commercial scales, AmbioPharm actively engages with innovative biopharmaceutical companies in developing first-in-class, best-in-class, and breakthrough peptide technologies that utilize AmbioPharm’s peptide manufacturing expertise and in-depth scientific experience in novel and conventional peptide chemistry.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “Ariceum is very pleased to be partnering with AmbioPharm.  As we build our platform and continue to advance our lead product, satoreotide, towards clinical trials, we are delighted to be supported by such a well-established and reliable manufacturer of high-quality, FDA-inspected peptide APIs.”

Michael W. Pennington, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at AmbioPharm, added: “We are delighted to play a role in the synthesis of this peptide ‘theranostic’ that will be a valuable resource for the treatment and diagnosis of certain hard-to-treat neuroendocrine cancers.”

For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Hollie Vile, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com

AmbioPharm, Inc.
Mark DaFonseca, EVP Sales & Global Business Development
Email: mark.dafonseca@ambiopharm.com

Ariceum Therapeutics Announces Planned Retirement of CMO

BERLIN, 14 October 2022 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announces that Chief Medical Officer, Alexander “Sandy” McEwan, M.D., will retire from the Company as Chief Medical Officer on the 15th of October 2022. Germo Gericke, M.D., former Chief Medical Officer of Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), a Novartis company, will join the Company on a consultancy basis as part of a planned transition. Sandy will work closely with Germo and the leadership team to ensure a smooth transition and will remain available in a part-time advisory role.

Eduardo Bravo, Chairman of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Sandy for his experience and leadership in helping to build Ariceum from start up through to launch, and for his significant contributions in the development of our clinical lead asset, satoreotide, which will be used as a ‘theranostic’ for both the diagnosis and treatment of tumours expressing the SST2 receptor. We wish him all the best for his pending retirement. We are delighted to welcome Germo who will work closely with the leadership team in the coming months on a consultancy basis as we continue to build and progress our technology platform and advance satoreotide.”

Sandy McEwan, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, commented: “I am very proud of all we have achieved in the past year. I would like to thank all my colleagues in the Ariceum team for all their contributions and for the progress we have made in a short time. I wish them well in their ongoing efforts to discover and develop innovative new radiopharmaceutical treatments for patients suffering from hard-to-treat cancers, and for their families.”


For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Mary Clark, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com

Notes to Editors

About Ariceum Therapeutics

Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum) is a private, clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the diagnosis and precision treatment of certain neuroendocrine and other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers. The name Ariceum is an anagram of ‘Marie Curie’ whose discovery of radium and polonium have been huge contributions to finding treatments for cancer. Ariceum’s lead targeted systemic radiopharmaceutical product, 177Lu-satoreotide tetraxetan (“satoreotide”) is an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 receptor (SST2) which is overexpressed in neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), some aggressive cancers such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and the childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, all of which have few treatment options and poor prognoses. Satoreotide is being developed as a ‘theranostic’ pair for the combined diagnosis and targeted radionuclide treatment of these tumours.

Ariceum Therapeutics, launched in 2021, acquired all rights from Ipsen. Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany and activities currently across Europe, North America and Australia.

Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team and supported by specialist investors including EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP), HealthCap and Pureos Bioventures. For further information, please visit www.ariceum-therapeutics.com

 Ariceum Therapeutics Q4 2022 Investor and Scientific Conference Attendance 

BERLIN, 15 September 2022 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing a radiopharmaceutical product for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announces that its senior management team will be attending and hosting meetings at the following investor and scientific conferences in the fourth quarter of 2022 

Terachem 2022: The Fourth International Symposium on Technetium and Other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine 
14-17 September 2022, Forum Brixen, Bressanone, Italy 

9th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC) 
22-24 September 2022, Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, Germany 

Optimum 14th Annual Healthcare Investor Conference 
6 October 2022, Wellcome Collection, London, UK 

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) 35th Annual Congress 
15-19 October 2022, Barcelona International Convention Centre, Barcelona, Spain 

BIO-Europe 2022 
24-26 October 2022, Leipzig Messe, Leipzig, Germany 

4th Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals EU Summit Europe 
6-8 December 2022, Leonard Royal, Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Presentation by: Chief Executive Officer, Manfred Rüdiger, Ariceum Therapeutics
Title: New Life for Satoreotide-The Antagonist Moves
Date & Time: 6 December, 12.00pm CET

European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Immuno-Oncology Annual Congress 
7-9 December 2022, Palexpo exhibition centre, Geneva, Switzerland 

If you would like to meet with the Ariceum Therapeutics team at any of the above events, please see contact details below. 

For further information, please contact: 

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Hollie Vile, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com


Ariceum Therapeutics Appoints Chief Business Officer

BERLIN, 7 July 2022 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing radiopharmaceutical products for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, is pleased to announce the appointment of Serge Sagodira as Chief Business Officer. Appointed from 1 July 2022, Serge will oversee all business development aspects of the company, leveraging his considerable expertise in licensing and transactions over a 20-year career in business development within the Life Sciences sector. He will work closely with the Ariceum leadership team to establish long-term strategic and value-creating collaborations with industry leaders as well as renowned academic groups in the field of radiopharmaceuticals.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “We are delighted to have attracted such a high calibre individual for this important role. Serge has direct experience in the licensing of radiopharmaceutical therapies and is very well connected in our industry bringing an international approach to the development of our business. We look forward to working together as we continue to build our pipeline for the development of novel drugs for systemic targeted radiation therapy.”

Serge Sagodira, new Chief Business Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, added: “I am excited to be taking on this new role, working with a team of experienced industry professionals to advance products that I believe have the potential to transform the treatment of very challenging cancers and ultimately significantly improve patient outcomes. I have been following the progress of Ariceum’s lead asset with interest over recent years and I am privileged to have been given the opportunity to join the team.”

Serge joins Ariceum from Swiss pharmaceutical company, Debiopharm International SA, where he worked for almost 10 years across a number of licensing and transaction roles culminating in Director, Licensing Transactions. Under Serge’s leadership in this position, Debiopharm, which develops therapeutics and biologics in the field of oncology and antimicrobial resistance, completed licensing agreements with Merck KGaA and Takeda. Serge has also completed several in-licensing transactions of early-stage programs. In addition, Serge also spent two years as Director of Business Development at DNDi, a not-for-profit R&D organization dedicated to neglected diseases supervising the structuring of complex collaborations. Serge has a PhD in Life Sciences from the University of Tours in France.


For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Mary Clark, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3882 9621
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com

Ariceum Therapeutics Launches with EUR 25M Series A to Advance Lead Asset, Satoreotide, for the Treatment of Low- and High-Grade Neuroendocrine Cancers

  • Oversubscribed financing co-led by HealthCap and EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP); joined by Pureos Bioventures
  • Developing novel drugs for systemic targeted radiation therapy (STRT)
  • Proceeds will be used to advance lead radiopharmaceutical product, satoreotide, for the treatment of neuroendocrine cancers and certain other aggressive, hard-to-treat cancers
  • Led by industry veteran Manfred Rüdiger as CEO, and world-renowned expert in oncology and nuclear medicine, Sandy McEwan as CMO

BERLIN, 8 June 2022 – Ariceum Therapeutics (Ariceum), a private biotech company developing a radiopharmaceutical product for the diagnosis and systemic targeted radiation therapy of certain hard-to-treat cancers, today announces the successful completion of an oversubscribed EUR 25 million Series A financing round. Ariceum was co-founded by EQT Life Sciences (formerly LSP) and HealthCap who also co-led the financing that was joined by Pureos Bioventures. Ipsen transferred assets, and all corresponding rights into the Company in late 2021.

The proceeds from the financing will enable Ariceum to further develop its lead asset and proprietary peptide derivative, satoreotide. Satoreotide is a radiopharmaceutical drug and an antagonist of the somatostatin type 2 (SST2) receptor which is overexpressed in many cancers, including certain hard-to-treat cancers such as small cell lung cancer (SCLC), high-grade neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and neuroblastoma, an aggressive, rare type of cancer that occurs mainly in young children. Satoreotide will be used as a ‘theranostic’ for both the diagnosis and treatment of tumours expressing the SST2 receptor. Satoreotide is in early clinical development and, as of today, has been administered to more than 100 patients including more than 150 therapeutic administrations.

Ariceum is led by a highly experienced management team with a strong track record and expertise in clinical trials, systemic targeted radiation therapy and radiopharmaceutical development, as well as launching and commercialising diagnostic and therapeutic products in a variety of indications worldwide.

In conjunction with the financing, Karin Kleinhans of EQT Life Sciences, Per Samuelsson of HealthCap and Martin Münchbach of Pureos Bioventures will join Ariceum’s board of directors together with Eduardo Bravo, CEO of EBAC, who has been elected as chairman of the board.

Founded in 2021, Ariceum is headquartered in Berlin, with operations in Germany and activities currently across Europe, North America and Australia.

Manfred Rüdiger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Ariceum Therapeutics, said: “We are very pleased to attract this outstanding syndicate of venture capital and corporate investors which validates our approach to developing our lead radiopharmaceutical product, satoreotide. I am excited to lead an exceptional team as we continue to build our platform and advance satoreotide for systemic targeted radiation therapy (STRT) to visualize and treat neuroendocrine tumors and certain other more aggressive cancers.”

Karin Kleinhans, PhD, Partner at EQT Life Sciences, stated: “We founded Ariceum with the aim to build a European leader in targeted radiopharmaceuticals.  We are delighted to support the Company in the development of its innovative technology to create more effective treatments for patients suffering from hard-to-treat cancers which are currently not adequately addressed by existing therapies, in addition to neuroendocrine cancers expressing the receptor.”

Per Samuelsson, Partner at HealthCap, stated: “We are proud to have been involved with the Company since its early days and are very impressed with the progress achieved to date. We believe Ariceum’s innovative theranostic approach to diagnose and treat different types of cancers is world-leading and we look forward to supporting the Company through the next stages of growth.”

Martin Münchbach, PhD, Managing Partner at Pureos Bioventures, added: “We are honoured to join this round with HealthCap and EQT Life Sciences and believe it will be a tremendous joint effort to bring Ariceum to the next level. Ariceum understands the power of radiopharmaceuticals which will enable the Company to develop better targeted drugs to eradicate cancer more effectively with less side-effects.”


For further information, please contact:

Ariceum Therapeutics
Manfred Rüdiger, CEO
Email: info@ariceum-therapeutics.com

Optimum Strategic Communications
Supriya Mathur, Charlotte Hepburne-Scott, Zoe Bolt
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3922 1906
Email: ariceum@optimumcomms.com